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Peppard Sanatorium, Henley on Thames

In 1898 Dr. Esther Colebrook (later Carling) began open air treatment of tuberculosis in a farmhouse near Peppard. Kingswood Farmhouse was purchased in 1902 and Maitland House erected nearby; the name Maitland Sanatorium existed by 1911. In 1914 Dr. Carling sold the sanatorium to Berkshire and Buckinghamshire County Councils, and it was the Berkshire and Buckinghamshire Joint Sanatorium until 1948. A tuberculosis hospital for many years, it later dealt with general chest patients. Under the NHS it was known as the Peppard Sanatorium (1948-c.1955) and the Peppard Chest Hospital (1955-1969 at the latest). By the 1970s it was dealing principally with pre convalescent cases.
It was under Reading and District Hospital Management Committee 1948-1974, and then West Berkshire Health Authority. The hospital closed in about 1982.


There are no records at Oxfordshire Health Archives.

Oxfordshire History Centre has plans 1908-1923 [references: RDC XVII/viii/21,28, 30,31,35,45,47,48] and an annual report 1911-12 [reference:O111/A/1].

Berkshire Record Office holds minutes of the Berkshire and Buckinghamshire Joint Sanatorium Committee 1914-1947 [reference C/CL/C5/2]

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Last updated: 29 August, 2018